7 States in 7 Days // Part Two




On Tuesday we went to the Mormon Trail Center in Nebraska. While we were there we watched a movie about Winter Quarters and then walked around the temple. Wells was thrilled to see the temple.


After Winter Quarters, we had about five hours of driving before we got to our hotel in Illinois. Once we got to our hotel we quickly unloaded our stuff from the car, got Taco Bell for dinner, and left Mom and Wells at the hotel so the rest of us could go to the Nauvoo Pageant.


Mmmm look at that chalupa!


Before the Pageant, there was a Country Fair and Madeline begged us to do the stilts so we kind of had to at least attempt them. I originally only went for moral support and picture taking especially when I saw how hard it was, but then I tried it and I pretty much rocked.


The pageant was actually so good. It followed the history of Nauvoo from when all the pioneers and immigrants came, the building of the temple, and then all the saints leaving after the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.



While we were in Nauvoo we had the opportunity to do baptisms for the dead which is the third time we have done them this summer, which is more then we have done in the last three years. Mom waited outside with Wells and Pace, while the four girls and Dad went in the temple.


After the Nauvoo Temple, we drove about thirty minutes to Carthage Jail where Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred.


Look at that! This is quite possible the only family photo we have where everyone is smiling! It’s a dang miracle.


After six days of being in the car with Wells we basically gave him anything he wanted including: the Kindle, ice, pretzels, french fries, milk in a sippy cup, and his Ipod.




On Thursday we drove through Ohio and stopped by the Kirtland temple which was a weird if not enlightening experience. The temple isn’t actually owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which was confusing. and weird. overall just weird.


After the Kirtland temple, we went to the Whitney Store which is owned by the church and that was a really neat experience. We also saw a video about the pioneer’s time in Kirtland, Ohio and the history of how they built the temple.



We drove through Pennsylvania, Maryland, and finally reached Virginia. Hallelujah!
While we were driving (we drove across in two cars, with three kids in each) Gretchen sent Mom’s car a video of her singing “Nelly the Elephant” by Toy Dolls. Oh it was on. Mom’s car (consisting of me and Liesel, and Wells but he was entirely unhelpful when it came down to destroying the other car) sent back an equally shaky video of us jamming out to Carrie Underwood. This went on for a couple of videos until Liesel brought out the big guns. As told in her words:
The song came on.
“This is my jam!” I say as I fumbled around in my pocket.
I whipped out a small package of Smuckers Strawberry goodness and pumped it in the air just as the beat dropped.

Obviously there was no way they could have retaliated.

“Virginia, my home sweet home I wanna give you a kiss” -Thomas Jefferson

See Part One here.

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