General Conference Weekend


Women’s Conference


Highlights: Wassail, ginger bread cake, and spending time with our aunts, cousins, and Grandma.

Saturday Morning Session


Highlights: Going to the Conference Center (!!!), seeing Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf speak live, and singing “High On A Mountain Top” with MoTab.

Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Morning Session

We went over to GrandmaGrandpaOrvaPaul’s house and ate snacks and watched the Saturday afternoon session until we had to book it over to the Missionary Training Center because I had work. This process was repeated on Sunday for the Morning Session because I had to work six more hours at the MTC because, “Missionaries eat every day!” I don’t know, I think a twenty-four hour fast would do them good.

Highlights: SNACKS. Because when you’re a little bit broke-ish all the time, the amount of snacking decreases immensely.

In Which Dave Gets Married



Our Mom’s youngest brother, David, got married this summer. He was married in the Oquirrah Mountain temple (Pronounced Oaker – who the heck knew it was spelled like that?) to Jordyn.
The morning of his wedding Dave came waltzing in singing “Despacito” and then stopped suddenly. “Why is that the song I have stuck in my head on my wedding day?”
He pondered this and then continued to sing.


Wells was not to be trusted waiting at the temple, so we drove up with him later to see Davie and Jordyn walk out of the temple after being sealed.


We did have to wait a little bit at the temple but we came equipped with all sorts of treats. Mainly carbs. Pringles. Pretzels. Ritz crackers. Graham Crackers. Applesauce sqeezes.


Pace and Weston. Weston’s family used to live in Virginia, only 30 minutes away from us but they moved to Oklahoma, which Pace sadly proclaimed, ” is 3 DAYS away from us.”


Pace, Weston, Paul, Xander, Dave


Dave and Jordyn plus a passel of cousins. Most of the cousins were more occupied with the drone flying around capturing the most well-documented wedding ever, than the actual wedding.




img_6760It has been a life long dream of ours to attend BYU Utah and on Friday at 11:58 PM, we were accepted! Text messages with our friends went something like this:

11:18 PM
Friend 1: When they said evening, this wasn’t what I had in mind.
11:19 PM
Liesel: No kidding!
Friend 2: amen.

Some background: BYU was originally supposed to release the acceptance letters February 28. Last year, everyone knew by the 19th. But a couple weeks ago BYU Admissions sent us an email saying they were going to let us know on March 3rd.

11:21 PM
Liesel: Has anyone found out yet?
Friend 2: Not that ik of!
Friend 1: I’ve been staring at a screen since I got home from school. And no I haven’t heard anything.
Gwyneth: Same. I had just decided to go to bed when our dad came busting in saying the decisions were out but I don’t have an email.
11:24 PM
Friend 1: Yeah I think I’ll just try to sleep on it.
Gwyneth: Yeah if they don’t send us an email soon imma go back to bed.
Friend 2: I think they sent it out but I don’t see anything. idk what’s going on. They tweeted that all decision are out but I can’t find anything.
Liesel: Yeah it says they’ve sent them but THEY HAVEN’T.
Friend 1: It’s moving slower than the pioneers.
Shoot I think I just cursed myself.

Then there was a huge discussion about what time we were all going to give up and go to bed and why we had to endure this trial of waiting. At 11:56 the big announcement came:

Friend 1: GUYS I GOT IT.
Gwyneth: Check your application status.
Gwyneth: We both got in 🙂
Friend 1: CONGRATS YOU 2!!! Ok now I gotta head to bed.
12:00 AM
Friend 2: IM IN!!!
Friend 1: NICEE
Gwyneth: YAYAY!!! Good night you guys

Gretchen decided to make a cake with her friends for us. Because she too assumed that we would be finding out before midnight. We consumed it with wild glee in an attempt to stay up until two in the morning, midnight Utah time. Thank goodness we didn’t have to.


The maker of the cake with her masterpiece. She was very pleased. And lugged it upstairs to Mom’s bedroom to show her/wake her up. Mom was also woken up when Dad went busting into her rom to tell her we got accepted.


BYU merch.


We are both so incredibly grateful that we have the opportunity to go to BYU Provo!
(Dad said, “It’s never to early to start scoping out the boys. That’s why they provide the hashtag #byubound.”)

The Philadelphia Temple



We went to the Philadelphia Open House of the LDS temple on August 17. One of my mom’s sisters joined us with her kids because we finally finally have family close to us.
(If you want to know more about the temple go to

The Philadelphia drive doesn’t hold a lot of fond memories for Mom, mostly because before this trip she’s always driven up there for one of Liesel’s surgeries. I can distinctly remember whipping out Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, and Nora Jones to overcome pre-surgery nerves. This temple trip was definitely better than all past experiences in Philadelphia.


The only photo we took where all of our eyes are open (Except for Wells but he doesn’t count. He is clearly immersed in his Kindle).


Mom forgot our lunch at the hotel, and so to prevent any hanger (mostly on Pace’s part) we stopped and got Auntie Anne’s. Also let it be known, Auntie Anne’s was waaay cheaper in Malaysia. But the pretzels are waaay bigger here. You win some, you lose some.

7 States in 7 Days // Part Two




On Tuesday we went to the Mormon Trail Center in Nebraska. While we were there we watched a movie about Winter Quarters and then walked around the temple. Wells was thrilled to see the temple.


After Winter Quarters, we had about five hours of driving before we got to our hotel in Illinois. Once we got to our hotel we quickly unloaded our stuff from the car, got Taco Bell for dinner, and left Mom and Wells at the hotel so the rest of us could go to the Nauvoo Pageant.


Mmmm look at that chalupa!


Before the Pageant, there was a Country Fair and Madeline begged us to do the stilts so we kind of had to at least attempt them. I originally only went for moral support and picture taking especially when I saw how hard it was, but then I tried it and I pretty much rocked.


The pageant was actually so good. It followed the history of Nauvoo from when all the pioneers and immigrants came, the building of the temple, and then all the saints leaving after the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.



While we were in Nauvoo we had the opportunity to do baptisms for the dead which is the third time we have done them this summer, which is more then we have done in the last three years. Mom waited outside with Wells and Pace, while the four girls and Dad went in the temple.


After the Nauvoo Temple, we drove about thirty minutes to Carthage Jail where Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred.


Look at that! This is quite possible the only family photo we have where everyone is smiling! It’s a dang miracle.


After six days of being in the car with Wells we basically gave him anything he wanted including: the Kindle, ice, pretzels, french fries, milk in a sippy cup, and his Ipod.




On Thursday we drove through Ohio and stopped by the Kirtland temple which was a weird if not enlightening experience. The temple isn’t actually owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which was confusing. and weird. overall just weird.


After the Kirtland temple, we went to the Whitney Store which is owned by the church and that was a really neat experience. We also saw a video about the pioneer’s time in Kirtland, Ohio and the history of how they built the temple.



We drove through Pennsylvania, Maryland, and finally reached Virginia. Hallelujah!
While we were driving (we drove across in two cars, with three kids in each) Gretchen sent Mom’s car a video of her singing “Nelly the Elephant” by Toy Dolls. Oh it was on. Mom’s car (consisting of me and Liesel, and Wells but he was entirely unhelpful when it came down to destroying the other car) sent back an equally shaky video of us jamming out to Carrie Underwood. This went on for a couple of videos until Liesel brought out the big guns. As told in her words:
The song came on.
“This is my jam!” I say as I fumbled around in my pocket.
I whipped out a small package of Smuckers Strawberry goodness and pumped it in the air just as the beat dropped.

Obviously there was no way they could have retaliated.

“Virginia, my home sweet home I wanna give you a kiss” -Thomas Jefferson

See Part One here.

7 States In 7 Days // Part One


For part of the process of our move to Virginia, our family road-tripped from Utah to Virginia. It took seven long, harrowing days. We stopped in Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and then passed through Pennsylvania and Maryland to arrive in Virginia.



Our first stop was Martin’s Cove, Wyoming. While we may not be whale watching people or guided-tour people we sure are handcart pushing people. It’s probably our pioneer heritage coming through.


Wells loved the handcarts. We had to rip him away from them. He probably loved them because he was riding in them. The rest of us were stumbling along, pulling the handcarts while cursing Wells’ diet that consists solely of carbs and ice.


At Martin’s Cove there are memorials for the Martin and Willy Handcart Companies. They have all the names of the pioneers and the ones printed in yellow died on the trail. Levi Savage is an ancestor on my dad’s side and John Linford is on my mom’s side. They were pretty good friends— how fortuitous.


When we arrived at the hotel we dumped all our stuff in the rooms and headed off to the tiny indoor swimming pool Holiday Inn had graciously bestowed upon us.


On Sunday we went to a Sacrament meeting in Caspar, Wyoming.


Afterwards we drove to Devil’s Tower. The line to enter to see the National Monument was ridiculous. Half of the people of Wyoming must have been there. Which isn’t saying much. “Wouldn’t it be awful if you had to go to the bathroom right now?” Gwyneth and Mom both whipped around to glare at me in the backseat.


Devil’s Tower is actually pretty cool, Dad: we take back our mocking. It’s one of the best crack climbing places and there are over two-hundred routes to the top. We saw a bunch of climbers while we were on the trail around it.


Pace just wanted to touch the actual rock of Devil’s Tower.


After Devil’s Rock, we booked it over to Mt. Rushmore, which is just as impressive in real life as in the National Treasure movies.


Wells was fascinated with this bag full of plastic cutlery. It made its way into basically every picture.


“George Washington you’re face is so… masculine.”


We visited Badlands National Park. It was absolutely amazing! There were a whole bunch of crevasses cut into the floor, and it created this really cool maze of rocks.


“There are at least ten rocks here.” Well, you’re not wrong.


After I climbed up, Pace tried to follow me and I had to lug his body up over the edge, limbs a-flailing.


Yes, Wells was on a leash. That did not stop him from leaping off small cliffs. I’m pretty sure it’s the funnest thing that we have ever done as a family.


After gallivanting around Badlands we stopped at a gas station that had a Cinnabon in it. Mom and Dad knew they were in for a hard time when we walked in to use the bathroom, and all six kids started salivating. They caved.


Hopefully we will get a post done about the second half of the trip done tomorrow. Be prepared for more adventures including but not limited to a singing and dancing duel between our two cars.

Summer 2016 // Girls’ Camp


Girls’ Camp this year was four days and three nights long. The first three days were at Reid Ranch and the last night was at a cabin.

Preparing for camp consisted of buying granola bars, throwing sleeping bags in trash bags, and buying gifts for Secret Sisters.


For Secret Sisters everyone got assigned to a girl and you basically sneak gifts onto their bed, one for each day. This year we only had to do four and they all had to be under five dollars. We made key chains, bracelets, and hair ties. It’s the Allen Way to make their gifts. They were dang cute.

Our theme for this year’s Girls’ Camp was “Wanted: The Divine You” and it centered around uncovering our divine nature. We went to our Grandma’s ward last year as well, so this was our second time with the same ward. It was Gretchen’s first year because she just turned twelve, so all four sisters went and our cousin Shayne who is Madeline’s age came with us again.

Tuesday we left at 8:30 in the morning to head to Reid Ranch where we spent the first two and a half days of Girls’ Camp. Basically the entire day we ate, used the paddle boats on the lake, and swam in the lake and pool. I loved that we could swim at Girls’ Camp because last year we weren’t allowed. Reid Ranch was basically a resort with a golf course, horses, a chef, pool, lake, and showers. We didn’t have to cook any of our food or clean biffies (porta potties). It was heaven.


This is the only picture I got on Tuesday and what you don’t see is that we managed to fit four girls on the tiny top of the bunk bed.

All of us girls went horseback riding and then basically repeated the previous day of swimming, boating, and eating. That night we had a musical fireside where our leader and her husband sang a lot of church songs including a song that she wrote and recorded with the young women in the ward. It makes me cry every time (You Are Divine).


Liesel’s horse was named Scar, which Liesel said was fortuitous owing to the number of scars she has accumulated over the years.


One of our crafts was making dream catchers, which take a while to get the hang of, but the third time’s the charm and I made a beautiful one for Madeline. It started out with me just showing her how to do it but it was going so well that I needed to finish it and redeem my pride from my previous fails.


Adult coloring.


Madeline, Shayne, Gretchen


The lifejackets were more of a hinderance than a help because they would probably choke you before they saved your life. Liesel was like, “My grave stone is going to read, ‘Cause of death: Lifejacket.'”


Shayne, Madeline, Gretchen, Liesel, Gwyneth




A western playset from the dollar store that we set up and then quickly lost interest in.


We were supposed to go on a hike but then it started thundering so we beat a hasty retreat to the cars.


After we went back down to the valley, we did certification in which we learned the difference between a potgut, gopher, and chipmunk. A potgut is fat. A chipmunk has a striped tail. And gophers come out of holes.

After the certification we drove and ate our way to the cabin.


It also hailed.


I probably ate over half a bag of Lucky Charms. Because they are vegan.


Our last night was spent at the cabin. That night we had a devotional, faith walk, and testimony meeting. All three were extremely spiritual and there were a lot of tears involved. The girls that had graduated from high school planned the faith walk and they did such an amazing job.
The testimony meeting started at ll:00 at night and went until one in the morning. I was so proud of us because basically everyone bore their testimony. Afterwards we stood around the camp fire switching between our fronts and our backs. We were frozen.
Once we were kicked back inside, we had to make paper plate awards for all the girls because it’s a tradition for YCLs (youth camp leaders: 16 and 17 years olds). Paper plates are funny awards that are given to each girl and we did not finish them until THREE IN THE MORNING. Besides the two girls on the ends and the one on the couch everyone else slept on the floor and this picture accurately shows how crowded it was. You basically picked a position and stayed in that position because if you happened to roll over you rolled over onto a person.
Also everything said at THREE IN THE MORNING is absurdly funny. I laughed so hard that I cried. As did a couple of leaders, but that might have just been stress coming out in them.

The next morning we woke up at nine (six hours of sleep) and ate french toast, orange juice, and hash browns. We then finished up the paper plate awards and made sure that in our sleep deprived state they were coherent. Before paper plate awards, one of the YCLs did a devotional and I gave a spiritual thought about choices that affect our divine nature. I talked about my choice to be modest and uphold the standards of the For Strength of Youth and how that affected my prom dress and how comfortable I felt with what I wore. Afterwards we handed out our final gifts to our Secret Sisters. We then packed up and headed home to take naps and showers. Both were greatly appreciated.




Happy Easter! *Enter obligatory but lovingly written Easter post*

Our family recognizes this day as one of utmost importance (despite the fact that we forgot to do our traditional Easter egg hunt today, that in the past has consisted of camouflaged eggs.)

You can go here and here to find out more about what we believe.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir also recently put out the largest virtual choir for Handel’s “Hallelujah” which Gwyneth and I are both in (not that you can see our faces amongst the thousands of other singers) that is part of our church’s 2016 Easter Initiative. You should check it out.

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Love, Liesel & Gwyneth