General Conference Weekend


Women’s Conference


Highlights: Wassail, ginger bread cake, and spending time with our aunts, cousins, and Grandma.

Saturday Morning Session


Highlights: Going to the Conference Center (!!!), seeing Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf speak live, and singing “High On A Mountain Top” with MoTab.

Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Morning Session

We went over to GrandmaGrandpaOrvaPaul’s house and ate snacks and watched the Saturday afternoon session until we had to book it over to the Missionary Training Center because I had work. This process was repeated on Sunday for the Morning Session because I had to work six more hours at the MTC because, “Missionaries eat every day!” I don’t know, I think a twenty-four hour fast would do them good.

Highlights: SNACKS. Because when you’re a little bit broke-ish all the time, the amount of snacking decreases immensely.




Happy Easter! *Enter obligatory but lovingly written Easter post*

Our family recognizes this day as one of utmost importance (despite the fact that we forgot to do our traditional Easter egg hunt today, that in the past has consisted of camouflaged eggs.)

You can go here and here to find out more about what we believe.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir also recently put out the largest virtual choir for Handel’s “Hallelujah” which Gwyneth and I are both in (not that you can see our faces amongst the thousands of other singers) that is part of our church’s 2016 Easter Initiative. You should check it out.

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Love, Liesel & Gwyneth

Favorites // November




  1. My new funkita swimsuit. It’s this print, but I got the one piece. It makes me happy every time I wear it.
  2. The Flavia de Luce series. Never have I wanted to be a twelve year old girl more in my life.
  3. Christmas socks!! Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s time to pull out the Christmas socks. Not that we weren’t already wearing them but now it’s legal to wear them. Get some here and here.
  4. Speaking of Christmas… Christmas MUSIC!!! I can finally pull out my Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas record without feeling the slightest inkling of shame (I was shunned when I played it in September). The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, David Archuleta, Piano Guys, and Michael Bublé are all Christmas staples.