The Philadelphia Temple



We went to the Philadelphia Open House of the LDS temple on August 17. One of my mom’s sisters joined us with her kids because we finally finally have family close to us.
(If you want to know more about the temple go to

The Philadelphia drive doesn’t hold a lot of fond memories for Mom, mostly because before this trip she’s always driven up there for one of Liesel’s surgeries. I can distinctly remember whipping out Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, and Nora Jones to overcome pre-surgery nerves. This temple trip was definitely better than all past experiences in Philadelphia.


The only photo we took where all of our eyes are open (Except for Wells but he doesn’t count. He is clearly immersed in his Kindle).


Mom forgot our lunch at the hotel, and so to prevent any hanger (mostly on Pace’s part) we stopped and got Auntie Anne’s. Also let it be known, Auntie Anne’s was waaay cheaper in Malaysia. But the pretzels are waaay bigger here. You win some, you lose some.